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VA Medical Centers

At Greenfields Outdoor Fitness, we proudly support our veterans by providing accessible outdoor fitness equipment to Veterans Affairs locally and also locations nationwide. We believe in the power of physical activity because of the healing, unity, and strength it produces. We dedicate ourselves to ensuring our heroes have every opportunity to thrive in a healthy and supportive environment, and they can do so at these VA Medical Centers.

VA Medical Centers

Stories of Accessibility and Engagement

At the Loma Linda VA Medical Center, Greenfields is proud to support the health and wellness of both patients and staff. Our installations are designed to accommodate users of all abilities, so as to ensure that veterans, patients undergoing rehabilitation, and healthcare professionals can all benefit from engaging in regular physical activity. Additionally, these outdoor fitness solutions are easily accessible with a trail that wraps around an area of the facility. They promote recovery, enhance physical conditioning, and offer a rejuvenating break from the demanding healthcare environment, contributing to the overall well-being and resilience of the entire Loma Linda VA community.

We take great pride in supporting the VA Long Beach Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Center because of the customized, accessible outdoor fitness equipment tailored to the unique needs of those seeking rehabilitation from spinal injuries. Our specially designed installations cater to users with varying levels of mobility, offering a range of exercises that promote strength and flexibility, while also focusing on recovery. By integrating these adaptive fitness solutions, we help create a therapeutic environment that empowers patients in their rehabilitation journey, while also providing healthcare professionals with the tools to support their patients’ physical and mental well-being effectively.

Take a look at just some of the Veterans Affairs locations that feature Greenfields.

Loma Linda VA Medical Center
Loma Linda, CA

Sepulveda VA Medical Center
North Hills, CA

Columbia VA Heath Care System
Columbia, SC

VA Bay Pines Healthcare System
Bay Pines, FL

Boston VA Healthcare System
Brockton, MA

VA Long Beach Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Center
Long Beach, CA

More VA Medical Centers


  • Long Beach – Tibor Rubin Medical Center
  • Long Beach – Spinal Cord Injury 
  • Los Angeles Sepulveda VA 
  • Loma Linda – Loma Linda VAMC


  • Aurora – Rocky Mountain VA


  • Miami – Miami VA
  • Bay Pines – Bay Pines VA


  • Marion – Marion VA


  • Boston – Boston VA


  • Jackson – G.V. Montgomery VA


  • Bath – Bath VA Medical Center
  • Montrose – Hudson Valley VA
  • Wappingers Falls – Castle Point VA Medical Center


  • Roseburg – Roseburg VA


  • Columbia – Columbia VA Health Care System


  • Salt Lake City – Salt Lake City VA


  • Richmond – McGuire VA



  • San Diego – San Diego VA

Enhancing Veterans’ Well-Being Through Outdoor Activities

The benefits of outdoor exercise are profound, especially for our veterans. Engaging in physical activity in natural settings can significantly improve mental health, reduce stress, and promote a greater sense of community. At Greenfields Outdoor Fitness, we are committed to creating environments where people can connect with nature and each other, so as to foster a spirit of camaraderie with exercise.

Supporting the Health of Vets

We collaborate closely with our partners to tailor fitness solutions that fit the overall needs of each location. Our commitment extends beyond equipment installation because we are dedicated to the long-term success and well-being of our veterans. In essence, through continuous support and engagement, we ensure that our fitness zones are durable and long-lasting for the community.

Join Us in Honoring Their Service

At Greenfields Outdoor Fitness, we are more than just a provider of outdoor fitness equipment — we are a partner in the ongoing journey towards health and wellness for our veterans. We invite you to see the difference that accessible, high-quality fitness options can make in the lives of those who have served our country.