Thank You For Your Interest In The Greenfields Ninja Grants
The grant application window is now closed, but please click here for details on our current special Ninja offer!
Transform Your Outdoor Space
Ninja Courses are ideal for kids who have outgrown traditional playgrounds. Teens who might not be involved in organized sports can compete, build strength, and have fun. With six amazing courses to choose from, Greenfields has something for everyone!
Six Amazing Standard Courses + Custom Options
Greenfields Ninja Courses are designed to provide a safe, fun, and engaging fitness environment for all abilities. Our standard courses offer a mix of challenging elements that will test users and keep them coming back for more. Units can be customized with different elements to create the perfect solution for your location. Our design team is available to create a complimentary 3D render of the course installed in its new home.
A Community Fitness Destination
The transformational power of a Ninja Course can be seen in this before and after image of John Galvin Park in Ontario, California. What was once just grass is now home to Greenfields Ninja Course 3. This package features 21 challenging obstacles and is fun for all ages and abilities.
TERMS OF OFFER: Application must be submitted by 12/31/2024.
Orders using Ninja Grant funding must be submitted by 12/31/2025 and shipped by 6/30/2026. Grant funding must be applied to Greenfields’ Ninja courses 1-6 (Ninja Training Ground not included); items within Ninja Course are not sold as a la carte items. Offer cannot be used on purchases made by contractors or private individuals. Grant cannot be applied in conjunction with any other discounts, sales or offers with the exception of the Ninja Training Ground as a gift with the purchase of Ninja Course 5. Custom color not available for orders using grant funding. Funding amounts can be applied to new purchases only. Greenfields Outdoor Fitness is not obligated to extend matching funds and reserves the right to withdraw funding at its discretion. Free Ninja Training Ground valid only on orders for Ninja Course 5 placed before 6/30/2025.